Recently, I was covering at our West Omaha clinic for one of our therapists, Paul, who just had a baby girl, Eden, who is their number two. Congratulations Paul and Jess!!!! Today we are going to...
Stability Ball Exercises Part 1
Low Cost, Total Body Workout It doesn’t take fancy expensive equipment or a membership to a local health club to keep in shape. You can build a good low impact, total body strength workout with...
Why Do Most People Gain Weight?
The rate of obesity in the United States has tripled since 1980. Among Americans age 20 and older, 154.7 million are overweight or obese. Not one state in America has an obesity rate of 20% or...
What You Must Know About Headaches
Most of us will suffer from a headache at one time or another. In order to get rid of your headache, there are several things you should know. Headaches are a common problem in our country. 90%...
Tension Headaches
As our lives become stressful, more and more Americans are suffering from tension headaches. In fact, 30%-80% of people suffer from occasional tension headaches. Females tend to experience more...
Why RICE Treatments May Not Be the Answer for Ligament Sprains
Now that the fall sports season is upon us, the chance of suffering a joint sprain increases. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) has been the gold standard treatment for years following an...
What to Do When You Suffer an Ankle Sprain
Previously I wrote about the use of RICE treatments in treating a joint sprain. Ankle sprains are one of the most common joint sprains that I see in my practice. Ankle sprains occur usually by...
Vertigo Treatment
Do you ever feel dizzy or feel as though the room is spinning, swaying, or moving? This sensation can be caused by Vertigo. Vertigo is a common condition affecting the inner ear and can lead to...
Lower Back Pain
Back pain affects 8 out of 10 adults in the United States. It is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office other than cold and flu. Lower back pain is also the most common...
Seek Treatment Now While Your Health Insurance Deductible is Met
Why now is the time to get treatment before the beginning of the year! 1. Most Insurance Deductibles are Usually Met by Now: Many patients do not plan ahead in regards to their health insurance...