
Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Relief To find relief from neck pain, it helps to understand what forces are making your neck painful.  Once you understand what is causing your neck pain, you can then learn how to find...

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Concussions As football season rapidly approaches, concussions are always a concern for parents, athletes and coaches.  There are more and more cases of adolescent head injuries and concussions...

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What is Core Strength

What is core strength and why is it important? The “core” is the center of all muscle activity in the human body.  You could compare the muscular core is to the middle link to a thick chain.  The...

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Fibromyalgia Relief Part 2

Fibromyalgia is a “Muscle Malfunction” Last week I wrote about different treatments for fibromyalgia, click here.  Although there is no known cure for fibromyalgia and many of the medications can...

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Back Pain Relief

Back Pain is Common Back pain affects people of all backgrounds.  It is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor other than cold and flu.  Back pain affects 8 out of 10 adults in the...

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