Self Treatments


What is Osteoarthritits? Your doctor just told you that you have osteoarthritis, now you are wondering what is it?  Osteoarthritis has many different names including degenerative joint disease, OA,...

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Neck Arthritis

What is Neck Arthritis? Degenerative changes are common in neck or cervical spine.  In some degree they are found almost universally in persons over 50 years of age.  Once you hit 70 years of age,...

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Plyometrics Plyometric training is a large aspect of the Sportsmetrics program; however, many people don’t exactly know what it really is.  Plyometrics, also known as Plyos, are high velocity...

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Gua Sha

What it is:     Gua sha is a massage technique that has been used throughout Asia for centuries.  It is also considered a form of alternative medicine.  The definition for Gua sha is broken down...

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Ways to Fight Fatigue

Fatigue After Winter Still trying to fight the winter time blues?  Unfortunately, we are getting to the time of year where we can’t blame our fatigue on winter hibernation.  Fatigue is one of the...

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