A Healthy Lifestyle After Therapy

A Healthy Lifestyle After Therapy

June 5, 2023

If you caught my last video, you had a few of the most common questions that people ask before starting physical therapy answered. Now I wanted to share a little bit about what to do after your episode of physical therapy care has ended. Hopefully, you came to physical therapy, met your goals, and are returning to the things that you were unable to do before starting therapy. Your therapist likely gave you some exercises to continue or advice to make sure you stay as pain free as possible, but is there something more you can do to also lead the healthiest lifestyle possible?

Of course, diet and exercise are two of the most common answers to that question. But where do you start? Instead of finding a new place to start, consider continuing your transformation to a healthy lifestyle at Flex Physical Therapy. We offer so much more than just rehabilitation and physical therapy care, including an effective weight loss program, yoga classes, personal training, massage, injury prevention programs, and more. Click on one of the headers below to link to each service!


                 Massage is one of the best and easiest ways to keep muscles healthy and relaxed. It helps to minimize unnecessary tension, clear the muscle of lingering toxins, and increase blood flow. Beyond this it also has many other benefits including stress relief. Consider scheduling a regular massage once a month to keep your body in better working order.


                 Yoga is one form of exercise that focuses on relaxation, flexibility, and stability. It has minimal impact and can be a great way to maintain or improve muscle strength, stability, and flexibility. If you have never tried yoga keep an eye out for our Free Yoga Saturdays or affordable introductory rates!

Personal Training

                 Exercise is a critical part of keeping your body healthy. Our bodies were made to move, and sedentary lifestyles and desk jobs have made it harder to get the daily exercise your body needs. As I mentioned earlier, if you finished physical therapy your PT likely gave you some exercises to continue on your own. However, these are likely very specific to the problem you were treated for in physical therapy. General strength and cardiovascular training provide total body benefits that can prevent other injuries in the future. Exercise comes in thousands of forms and the key is finding something you enjoy. Getting advice from a professional can be a great way to get started with a program, plus Flex offers its space and equipment as a fitness facility once you get started on your fitness regimen.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

                 There are thousands of weight loss methods out there. Flex chose to use Ideal Protein for a few reasons. First, the science behind it is very solid and healthy. Rather than just reducing calories or removing certain food groups, it targets minimizing fats and carbohydrates from the diet and increasing protein intake. By doing this, a person loses fat while maintaining lean muscle mass which is critical for keeping the weight off. Second, the CEO of Flex was looking to shed a few pounds and before choosing a program and offering it to the public, he tried it himself. He was able to lose over fifty pounds in nine weeks and has kept it off for over two years. Finally, this program is as much about losing weight as it is about education. Knowing how to live a healthy lifestyle and prevent gaining the weight back is one of the most important parts of any weight loss method.


                 Sports are inherently dangerous. Very few athletes complete a career without at least one or two minor injuries. One of the most common injuries that can derail a sports season or career is an ACL tear. At Flex, we not only specialize in rehabilitating ACL injuries, we offer a program to prevent ACL injuries before they happen. Sportsmetrics is a nationally recognized program that is proven to aid in the prevention of ACL injuries and improve overall sports performance. We offer both individual and group sessions that train an athlete to cut, jump, and land correctly to avoid injury.

If any of these services will help you achieve a healthy lifestyle, contact Flex Physical Therapy at (800) 930-8803.

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