Hey everybody, this is Mike Uhrlaub coming at you from the Flex Compound, with another episode of Power Your Life. I just finished covering all of the amazing nutrients included in the ingredients of Joint Nutra Care. I want to bring everything together, wrap it up in a nice little bow, and hand it to you so it all makes sense.
Your body is an amazing machine and has the capability to withstand tremendous amounts of abuse. Not only that, if given the right tools, your body can heal and regenerate itself in an awesome way. In order to do this, your body must have the right tools to work with. These nutrients are the tools your body needs to heal and repair itself from the wear and tear we all go through.
The nutrients I will cover are all included in this amazing new supplement called Joint Nutra Care. These nutrients are so effective that in many cases, they can actually replace, you heard me right, replace your pain pills and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. That’s not just me saying it, this is actually proven in research. Now let’s just get started and jump right in.

Recap of Joint Nutra Care Ingredients
Collagen Type Two
- Stimulates the growth and development of cartilage cells in the body.
- Those who have taken it have shown improvements in their joint pain, joint motion, and their strength. Now, I don’t know about you, but I could certainly use reduced pain, improved motion, and strength to my joints.
- Collagen type two not only keeps your current cartilage healthy, but it also helps your body grow new cartilage. Can your nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory or your pain pills do that? Does your ibuprofen or Aleve keep your cartilage healthy? Do they actually help you grow new cartilage? No, I didn’t think so.

Eggshell Membrane
- Shown to effectively reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling in arthritic joints.
- In research studies, the subjects taking eggshell membrane showed significant reduction in their joint pain, improved joint motion, decreased swelling, and improved mobility. The subject also reported the eggshell membrane was superior to treating their pain and superior to their current pain medication. I’m going to say that again. The subjects in this study reported the eggshell membrane they were taking was superior in treating their pain and was superior to their current pain medication. How about that? This is direct evidence of natural nutrients replacing pain pills. Now

Hyaluronic Acid
- It is present in all connective tissue and is responsible for retaining moisture.
- Improves the viscosity of the synovial fluid in the joints. Synovial fluid is the lubricant between the joints and reduces friction on the cartilage. It helps prevent cartilage from breaking down; A process called denaturing.
- Protects the outer layer of cartilage.
- Block’s inflammation of the joint lining called the synovium. You may have heard people talk about synovitis… It actually blocks that inflammation from happening.
- Increases the density of cartilage cells.
- Promotes the metabolism of the joint lining, which helps keep it healthy.
- Normalizes the joint fluid (synovial fluid).
- Reduces sharp pain in the joints.
As our bodies age, the levels of hyaluronic acid we have in us natural begins to drop. In some people this drop can be as much as 50%. It’s no wonder things become a little bit more brittle and stiffer. They lose their flexibility because as these tissues lose that moisture, they’re going to be more susceptible to injury, breaking, and become more damaged.
It was shown in studies of those taking hyaluronic acid a decrease in joint pain, increased motion in the joints, improved flexibility, and improved physical function. During daily life, they showed a reduction in joint swelling, improved strength, reduced inflammatory markers on their bodies, and an overall improved quality of life measures. This was all accomplished naturally without any side effects! I don’t know about you, but that’s absolutely amazing to me.

Olive Leaf Extract (Hydroxytyrosol)
- It helps your joints by protecting the cartilage cells from what we call oxidative stress and helps stimulate them to do their job.
- Research studies have shown that olive leaf extract can significantly reduce joint pain in those with arthritis. It was also shown to lower inflammation biomarkers in those with arthritis. Decreasing not just the inflammation in their joints, but the inflammation in their entire body. It does what nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories can do, but without the risks. Even the FDA admits that NSAIDs carry a significant risk of heart attack and stroke to those who take them. Why would you want to take something that could kill you, like an NSAID or pain pill, when you have natural alternatives, such as all of leaf extract?
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
- Truly one of natures miracle supplements; It’s just amazing.
- An organic form of sulfur and is key in forming connective tissues in your body. All of those connective tissues are all bonded together with these little sulfur bonds. Collagen, cartilage, keratin, and the connective tissue are all dependent on these sulfur bonds. MSM helps keep all this connective tissue elastic and flexible in the body. This in turn helps keep these tissues from degenerating.
- Helps with the energy production and the metabolism of your body cells; This is why I say it’s a miracle nutrient.
- It even helps insulin be more effective so it can help lower your blood sugars.
- Reduce chronic pain. Types of pain affected by MSN was arthritis, fibromyalgia, lower back pain, headaches, migraines, muscle aches, bursitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel issues, scar healing, whiplash, and repetitive strain injury mass. A lot, right?
Basically, what it does is blocks the transfer of nerve impulses through nerve fibers called C-Nerve Fibers. It keeps them from transmitting the signal to the brain and that’s how it helps get you pain relief. It also blocks inflammation and the inflammatory processes in the body.

In Summary:
- It improves the permeability of the cell membrane, which improves the uptake of nutrients and vitamins while getting rid of waste products. In turn, this speeds up healing.
- Helps dilate blood vessels, which enhances circulation.
- Speeds up healing.
- Dilates blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure. So, it reduces the risk of a heart attack and stroke.
- It is a natural muscle relaxant.
- Improves the body’s immune system by regulating the prostaglandin metabolism and regulates the formation of antibodies and immune complexes.
- It has the synergistic effect on other vitamins and nutrients.
- Improved the cell’s ability to uptake nutrients and vitamins you would take in other supplements.
- It is a very strong antioxidant.
- Shown to detoxify the body.
- Improve the symptoms of allergies.
- Reduce inflammation from auto-immune diseases, such as lupus.
- Shown to have the ability to help the body protect itself against the onset of cancer.
- Reduce muscle soreness and cramps.
Additional Benefits…
- Decreased constipation.
- Decrease stomach acid production.
- Improves lung function. (One of the most interesting benefits. I wasn’t lying! This stuff is truly a miracle) Since MSM helps to improve the elasticity of the connective tissue and improve the cell membrane permeability, it has been shown to help the lungs take up oxygen more effectively.

It also helps prevent and correct the clotting of red blood cells which helps the body use oxygen better (since red blood cells carry oxygen to the rest of the body). As your body can uptake and use oxygen more effectively, what you get is more energy!
- Shown to help your body manage stress. Those taking MSM have reported feeling stronger with improved endurance.
- It helps your skin. The sulfur helps keep your skin smooth and elastic as you age. Like we talked earlier, sulfur is necessary for the production of collagen, keratin, and other proteins necessary for the health of your skin and nails. Today, most people suffer from chronic MSM deficiency due to the fact that it is naturally occurring in our food supply. Most of it is not able to endure the processing food undergoes today. Anytime food is microwaved, frozen, or goes through the process of our industrialized food system, it kills most of the MSM. As a result, we’re becoming more and more deficient
Joint Nutra Care
Joint Nutra Care is an all-natural joint supplement that can replace your pain pills and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. It provides your body with all of the tools you need in order to reduce pain, nourish and keep your cartilage healthy, decrease inflammation. Restore the health of your joints by improving the synovial fluid, increase joint range of motion, increasing flexibility/strength, reduce swelling, improve your mobility and physical activity.

The next question is who should be taking this stuff right? Who should be taking Joint Nutra Care? Well, it’s an easy answer. Anyone who wants to improve and maintain their joint health should be taking this. Everyone from athletes to weekend warriors, they can use it to improve their performance and enhance the recovery from workouts. People with arthritis, back pain, any degenerative disease, or joint pain can use it to help heal and improve their quality of life.
Speaking of healing, if you are suffering from any back pain or back and hip issues, then you really got to check out our new back pain breakthrough session. In this session, you can find out what the root cause of your problem is. You can get treatment and feel better immediately. All you have to do hyaluronic is click HERE.
Until next time. Power Your Life and keep moving forward.