Self Defense

Self Defense

June 5, 2023

Benefits of Taking  Self Defense Classes

In today’s world it is seemingly becoming more and more apparent that individuals need to be able to defend themselves. Many people are adopting the view of “It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.” However, there is so much more to be gained from knowing self defense and participating in classes than just protecting yourself or those around you from harm. Health Fitness Revolution proposed these top 10 benefits of knowing self-defense.


Self-defense classes will give you the ability to protect yourself and overcome an attacker.  Knowing how to defend yourself can help you feel less anxious in public, or fearful when walking alone in the night.  You will learn the basics of how to quickly disable and protect yourself from an attacker so that you can escape.

Street awareness

Self defense classes will enhance your awareness of your surroundings.  You never know when it might happen; you never plan to be attacked, so you must always be on the lookout of your surroundings.  Self defense classes will help you gain this awareness if this type of situation should arise.

Increased self confidence

Training in self defense helps people, especially women, develop more confidence in themselves and their surroundings.  Knowing that you have the ability to defend yourself gives you the confidence and freedom to fully explore the world, meet new people and find new ways to engage with others.

Learning something new

It’s not every day that you have the chance to learn something new while fighting someone, even if it is only practice in a controlled setting.  It is all about perspective and your willingness to learn something new.  Learning new things revolves around encouraging your successes and accepting your defeats; both are important to a engaging in a healthy lifestyle.

Toned muscles

Like most self-defense classes, they do not just focus on being emotionally prepared by an attacker.  Being physically prepared for an attack is also equally important.  An intense warm-up usually comes first, next comes learning defense techniques.  Women usually have stronger lower bodies than most men; most self defense classes like to utilize this statistic to help women learn to use their lower bodies so they can overcome their potential attackers.

Overall fitness

Through learning self defense, you will maintain your muscle and endurance through practicing along with other exercise activities.  Naturally, your overall fitness will improve. An intense warmup to get your adrenaline pumping, followed by a variety of fitness techniques, will improve your overall body condition while teaching you important self-defense techniques.


Improving your balance not only includes the physical balance of your core muscles but also a mental balance by improving your focus.  Karate and self defense classes teach you how to focus on your target while you control your body.  Without balance, it is almost impossible to fight.  Through gaining your body control and balance, you will be better prepared to protect yourself mentally and physically.


In order to learn and grow with your self defense abilities, you have to develop your self-discipline.  You have to be motivated and dedicated to the practice.  Actually going to class and showing up on a regular basis develops your discipline.


Fighter’s reflex

In a fight, movement is power.  You cannot stand around and wait for your attacker’s next strike; moving and instinctual reactions are very important.  Self defense classes will help develop your reflexes and will help you gain a fighter’s reflex, which will allow you to move quickly and strategically in such a situation.  You will know where to step and where to throw your punch.

Social skills

Most self-defense classes take place in group settings, giving you a chance to meet new people and develop your social skills.  Self-defense is very similar to martial arts in that it teaches the discipline of honoring your elders, showing respect, and the tolerance of others.  These social skills will bring about a positive outlook for your own point of view and help to bring peace and balance in your attitude.

Flex Physical Therapy is always looking to serve the communities needs in more ways than simply rehabilitation from pain or injury.  That is why we are offering self defense classes over the next four weeks.  This will be an introductory class that requires no experience or equipment. Anyone can participate as we won’t be performing any takedown maneuvers, aka slams, tackles, etc.  If you are interested or know someone who would benefit from these classes, especially those college ladies that are home over break, call and reserve your spot in the class! (800)930-8803

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