Back Exercises for Low Back Pain “What can I do to relieve my back pain?” is a common question that I get each day in my clinic. Back pain will affect almost every one of us at some time or another...
Self Treatments
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3 Simple Exercises for Inner Thighs
The Importance of Strong Inner Thighs The inner thighs are known as adductor muscles. These muscles are what bring your legs together and they also stabilize your hips. People are always so caught...
3 Yoga Poses to Help Unwind From Travel
Make Sure to Unwind Summer provides the opportunity for most people to travel and take their vacations. With that traveling brings a lot of sitting for long periods of time either in a car or plane....
The Number One Thing You Should Avoid When Having Back Pain
Learn more about the “dos” and “don’ts” of managing your back pain Many people who experience back pain, often recur to care from experienced practitioners such as massage therapists, chiropractors,...